Former Members
Name (with link to homepage) |
Last known affiliation |
Email address |
Dr. Christoph Adelsberger |
d-fine AG, Brandschenkestrasse 150, 8002 Zürich, Switzerland |
Dr. Samuel Aldana |
ViDi Systems SA Z.I. du Vivier 22 CH-1690 Villaz-St-Pierre |
view address | ||||
Dr. Mohammad Alidoust |
Department of Physics Faculty of Sciences University of Isfahan Hezar Jeriv Avenue Isfahan 81746-73441 Iran |
view address | ||||
Dr. Audrius Alkauskas |
Center for Physical Sciences and Technology Vilnius, Lithuania, and Kaunas University of Technology Kaunas, Lithuania |
view address | ||||
Dr. Ehud Amitai | Department of Physics University of Basel Klingelbergstrasse 82 CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland | view address | ||||
Dr. Pavel Aseev | view address | |||||
Dr. Daniel Becker |
Phynance Gmbh Elisabeth-Treskow-Platz 1 Köln Germany |
view address | ||||
Dr. Mónica Benito González |
Institute of Quantum Technologies (DLR) Ulm Germany |
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Belzig |
Theoretical Solid State Physics Department of Physics, M703 University of Konstanz D-78457 Konstanz, Germany |
view address | ||||
Dr. Dan Bohr |
Danish Decommissioning PO Box 320 DK-4000 Roskilde |
view address | ||||
Dr. Massoud Borhani |
Laboratory for Physical Sciences 8050 Greenmead Drive College Park MD 20740 USA |
view address | ||||
Dr. Stefano Bosco |
Bosco Group QuTech TUDelft Delft, NL |
view address | ||||
Dr. Bernd Braunecker |
School of Physics and Astronomy University of St Andrews North Haugh, St Andrews KY15 9SS Scotland, UK Phone: +44 1334 46 1673 |
view address | ||||
Dr. Denis Bulaev |
Institute of Solid State Physics RAS Laboratory of Non-equilibrium Electronic Processes Office 212, KMP Institutskaya 2, 142432 Chernogolovka Moscow district, Russia |
view address | ||||
Prof. Dr. Guido Burkard |
Department of Physics Mailbox 685 University of Konstanz D-78457 Konstanz, Germany |
view address | ||||
Dr. Verónica Cerletti |
EMPA Marketing, Wissens- und Technologietransfer Ueberlandstrasse 129 CH-8600 Duebendorf Phone: +41 44 823 4444 |
view address | ||||
Dr. Oleg Chalaev |
Department of Physics University of Missouri-Columbia Columbia, Missouri 65211 USA |
view address | ||||
Prof. Stefano Chesi |
Beijing CSRC Zhongguancun Software Park II No. 10 Dongbeiwang West Road Haidan district, Beijing China, 100094 |
view address | ||||
Dr. Denis Chevallier | view address | |||||
Dr. Alain Chioléro |
Portfolio Manager Insurance Linked Securities Bank Leu Ltd. Zurich, Switzerland |
view address | ||||
Luca Chirolli |
Department of Physics University of Konstanz Germany |
view address | ||||
Prof. Dr. Mahn-Soo Choi |
Department of Physics, Korea University 5ka-1, Anam-dong, Seoul 136-701, South Korea Phone (office): +82-2-3290-3110 FAX: +82-2-927-3292 |
view address | ||||
Dr. Viktor Kooi Ming Chua | view address | |||||
Prof. Dr. Bill Coish |
Department of Physics, McGill University
view address | ||||
Dr. Audrey Cottet |
Office R11, Laboratoire Pierre Aigrain Departement de Physique de l'Ecole Normale Superieure 24, rue Lhomond, F-75231 Paris Cedex 05 France Phone: 01 44 32 35 93 Fax: 01 44 32 38 40 |
view address | ||||
Dr. Oindrila Deb | view address | |||||
Dr. Sebastian Diaz |
Institute of Physics Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz Staudingerweg 7 D 55128 Mainz |
view address | ||||
Dr. Olesia Dmytruk | view address | |||||
Dr. Hans-Andreas Engel |
Lyman Laboratory of Physics 342 Harvard University Cambridge MA 02138 Phone: 1 (617) 495-5641 FAX: 1 (617) 496-2545 |
view address | ||||
Prof. Dr. Jose Carlos Egues |
Departamento de Física e Informatica Instituto de Física de São Carlos Univesidade de São Paulo São Carlos, São Paulo Brazil Phone (office): 55 16 3373 9760 Phone/FAX (secretary): 55 16 3373 9877 |
view address | ||||
Dr. Sigurdur Erlingsson |
Science Institute University of Iceland Dunhaga 3 IS-107 Reykjavik Iceland Phone: +354 525 4708 FAX: +354 552 8911 |
view address | ||||
Prof. Gerson F. Fereira |
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) Institute of Physics (INFIS) Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil |
view address | ||||
Dr. Jan Fischer |
NXP Semiconductors GA GmbH Stresemannallee 101 22529 Hamburg Germany |
view address | ||||
Dr. Pierre Fromholz | ||||||
Dr. Suhas Gangadharaiah |
IISER Bhopal ITI Campus Building Govindpura Bhopal - 23 India |
view address | ||||
Dr. Hanno Gassmann |
Gymnasium und Wirtschaftsmittelschule Thun-Schadau Seestrasse 66 3604 Thun Switzerland |
view address | ||||
Dr. Vitaly Golovach |
IKERBASQUE. Basque Foundation for Science Maria Diaz de Haro 3, 6 floor 48013 Bilbao Bizkaia - SPAIN |
view address | ||||
Dr. Oliver Gywat |
Zurich Insurance Company Ltd. Mythenquai 2 8022 Zurich Switzerland |
view address | ||||
Tamás Haidekker Galambos | view address | |||||
Prof. Tero Heikkilä |
Department of Physics P.O. Box 35 (YFL) FI-40014 University of Jyväskylä, Finland |
view address | ||||
Dr. Richard Gerhard Heß | view address | |||||
Dr. Bence Hetényi | view address | |||||
Dr. Rahel Heule |
Department of Medical Radiology University of Basel Hospital Petersgraben 4 CH-4031 Basel Switzerland |
view address | ||||
Dr. Tomoki Hirosawa | ||||||
Patrick Hofer |
Département de Physique Théorique Université de Genève Genève, Switzerland |
view address | ||||
Dr. Silas Hoffman | view address | |||||
Dr. Kevin van Hoogdalem | view address | |||||
Dr. Adrian Hutter |
Jane Street 20 Fenchurch Street London, UK |
view address | ||||
Dr. Zhe Hou | view address | |||||
Dr. Geo Jose | view address | |||||
Dr. Alexander Khaetskii |
Institute of Microelectronics Technology Russian Academy of Sciences 142432 Chernogolovka Moscow District Russia |
view address | ||||
Dr. Daniel Klauser |
METEOTEST Fabrikstrasse 14 3012 Bern Switzerland |
view address | ||||
PD Dr. Christoph Klöffel | view address | |||||
Dr. Verena Koerting |
Niels Bohr Institute University of Copenhagen Blegdamsvej 172100 Copenhagen, Denmark |
view address | ||||
Dr. Aksel Kobiałka | view address | |||||
Dr. Viktoriia Kornich |
view address | ||||
Prof. Dr. Jordan Kyriakidis |
Department of Physics and Atmospheric Science, Dalhousie University Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 3J5, Canada |
view address | ||||
Dr. Katharina Laubscher |
Condensed Matter Theory Center University of Maryland College Park Maryland United States |
view address | ||||
Dr. Henry F. Legg |
School of Physics and Astronomy University of St Andrews North Haugh St Andrews KY16 9SS |
view address | ||||
Dr. Jörg Lehmann |
ABB Schweiz AG, Corporate Research, Segelhofstrasse 1 K CH-5405 Baden 5 Dättwil Switzerland Tel.: +41 58 586 70 59 |
view address | ||||
Prof. Dr. Michael Leuenberger |
Nanoscience Technology Center and Department of Physics University of Central Florida Research Pavilion 12424 Research Parkway Suite 428 Orlando, Florida 32826 Tel.: +1-407-882-2746 Fax: +1-407-882-2819 |
view address | ||||
Prof. Dr. Yong Li |
Beijing Computational Science Research Center 6th Floor, Office Building 3 HeQing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China |
view address | ||||
Dr. Axel U. J. Lode |
Wolfgang Pauli Institut, Universität Wien Atominstitut, Technische Universität Wien Vienna Austria |
view address | ||||
Dr. Andriy Lyakhov (1982-2013) | ||||||
Dr. Franziska Maier | Bürkert Fluid Control Systems | view address | ||||
Dr. Ipsita Mandal |
view address | ||||
Prof. Dr. Florian Marquardt |
Institute for Theoretical Physics II University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Staudtstr.7, 91058 Erlangen, Germany Phone: +49 9131 85 28461 Fax: +49 9131 85 28907 |
view address | ||||
Dr. Florian Meier | Patent Attorney | |||||
Dr. Tobias Meng |
Institut für Theoretische Physik TU Dresden 01062 Dresden Germany |
view address | ||||
Dr. Alexander Mook |
Technical University of Munich Physik Department I, room 3223 James-Franck-Str. 1 85748 Garching |
view address | ||||
Dr. Kouki Nakata | view address | |||||
Dr. Simon E. Nigg | view address | |||||
Prof. Dr. Bruce Normand |
Department of Physics Renmin University of China Zhongguancun Ave. 59 Beijing 100872, China Tel: +86 10 6251 5231 |
view address | ||||
Dr. Andreas Nunnenkamp |
Cavendish Laboratory University of Cambridge J. J. Thomson Avenue Cambridge CB3 0HE United Kingdom |
view address | ||||
Jennifer Nussbaum |
Institute for Biomedical Engineering ETH Zurich Switzerland |
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Dr. Christoph Orth |
view address | ||||
Dr. Fabio Pedrocchi |
Institute for Quantum Information Physikzentrum RWTH Aachen D-52056 Aachen, Germany |
view address | ||||
Dr. Kirill Plekhanov | view address | |||||
Dr. Christina Psaroudaki | view address | |||||
Dr. Joël Peguiron |
Physicist Waferline & Waferflow Meyer Burger AG Allmendstrasse 86 CH-3600 Thun Switzerland Tel.: +41 33 439 05 15 |
view address | ||||
Dr. Poliana Penteado | view address | |||||
Dr. Diego Rainis | view address | |||||
Dr. Marko Rančić | view address | |||||
Prof. Dr. Patrik Recher |
Technische Universität Braunschweig Institut für Mathematische Physik Mendelssohnstr. 3 38106 Braunschweig Germany |
view address | ||||
Dr. Christopher Reeg | view address | |||||
Dr. Hugo Ribeiro | view address | |||||
Dr. Maximilian Rinck |
European Commodity Clearing AG (ECC) Augustusplatz 9 04109 Leipzig Deutschland |
view address | ||||
Dr. Roman-Pascal Riwar |
Institut für Theorie der statistischen Physik RWTH Aachen Physikzentrum 52074 Aachen Deutschland |
view address | ||||
Dr. Flavio Ronetti | view address | |||||
Dr. Beat Röthlisberger | view address | |||||
Prof. Dr. Arijit Saha |
Institute of Physics (IOP) Sachivalaya Marg P.O.-Sainik School Bhubaneswar, Odissa PIN-751005, India Tel.: +916742306406 |
view address | ||||
Dr. Daniel Saraga |
Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF) Wildhainweg 3 Postfach 8232 CH-3001 Bern |
view address | ||||
Prof. Dr. John Schliemann |
Dept. of Physics, Universität Regensburg D-93040 Regensburg Germany |
view address | ||||
Dr. Manuel Schmidt |
Institut für Theoretische Festkörperphysik C RWTH Aachen 52056 Aachen Germany Tel.: +49 241 80 27030 |
view address | ||||
Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmidt |
University of Luxembourg Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication Research Unit in Physics and Material Research Unit 162a, avenue de la Faiencerie L-1511 Luxembourg |
view address | ||||
Dr. Constantin Schrade |
Massachusets Institute of Technology Department of Physics Cambridge, MA, United States |
view address | ||||
Dr. Christian Schroll |
ABB Corporate Research Wallstadter Strasse 59 D-68526 Ladenburg, Germany |
view address | ||||
Ferdinand Schulz | ||||||
Prof. Dr. Pascal Simon |
Université Paris-Sud Laboratoire de Physique des Solides 91405, Orsay, France Tel.: +33 (0)1 69 15 59 25 Fax: +33 (0)1 69 15 60 86 |
view address | ||||
Dr. Peter Stano | view address | |||||
Dr. Dimitrije Stepanenko |
Center for Condensed Mater Physics and New Materials Institute of Physics Belgrade Serbia |
view address | ||||
Dr. Vladimir M. Stojanovic |
Department of Physics Harvard University Cambridge, USA |
view address | ||||
Dr. Grégory Strübi |
WitchLake S.A. Rue de la Gare 4 CH-2034 Peseux NE |
view address | ||||
Dr. Eugene Sukhorukov |
Département de Physique Théorique Université de Genève 24, quai Ernest Ansermet CH-1211 Genève Phone (office): +41 22 702 6374 FAX: +41 22 702 6870 |
view address | ||||
Dr. Aleksandr Svetogorov | view address | |||||
Dr. Manisha Thakurathi | view address | |||||
Dr. Rakesh Tiwari |
view address | ||||
Prof. Dr. Björn Trauzettel |
Institut für Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik Universität Würzburg Am Hubland D-97074 Würzburg Germany Phone (office): +49-931-8885724 FAX: +49-931-8885141 URL: click here |
view address | ||||
Dr. Mircea Trif |
6-130J, Knudsen Hall, UCLA, LA,CA |
view address | ||||
Dr. Luka Trifunovic |
Fachbereich Physik D-14195 Berlin - Dahlem |
view address | ||||
Dr. Filippo Troiani |
INFM-S3 and Physics Department University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Via Campi 213A, I-41100 Modena, Italy tel.: +39-059-2055283 fax: +39-059-367488 |
view address | ||||
Dr. Oleksandr Tsyplyatyev |
Institut für Theoretische Physik Universität Frankfurt Max-von-Laue Strasse 1 60438 Frankfurt, Germany |
view address | ||||
Dr. Mihajlo Vanevic |
Faculty of Physics University of Belgrade Studentski trg 12 11000 Belgrade Serbia Tel: +381 11 7158 154 |
view address | ||||
Yanick Volpez | view address | |||||
Dr. Andreas Wagner | Hilti (Schweiz) AG | view address | ||||
Dr. Stefan Walter |
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg Institute for Theoretical Physics Erlangen, Germany |
view address | ||||
Prof. Ying-Dan Wang |
Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics, China (KITPC) Beijing 100190, CHINA |
view address | ||||
Talitha Weiss |
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg Institute for Theoretical Physics Erlangen, Germany |
view address | ||||
Dr. James Wootton | view address | |||||
Dr. Robert Andrzej Żak |
Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd Mythenquai 50/60 8022 Zurich Switzerland |
view address | ||||
Dr. Robert Zielke |
Robert Bosch GmbH Stuttgart Feuerbach Germany |
view address | ||||
Dr. Oded Zilberberg |
Institut f. Theoretische Physik ETH Zürich Switzerland |
view address | ||||
Xianpeng Zhang | view address | |||||
Yuhao Zhao | view address | |||||
Dr. Alexander Zyuzin |
A. F. Ioffe Physical - Technical Institute 194021 St. Petersburg Russia |
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