Peter Daniel Johannsen


Department of Physics
University of Basel
Klingelbergstrasse 82
CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland

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tel: +41 61 207 36 95

Short CV

2023-present: Ph.D. Student in the Condensed Matter Theory & Quantum Computing Group at the University of Basel, Supervisors: Prof. D. Loss and Prof. J. Klinovaja
2021-2023: Master of Science in Quantum Physics, University of Copenhagen
Master's thesis: "Effective Models for Andreev Bound State Systems", Supervisor: Constantin Schrade, Assistant Professor
2018-2021: Bachelor of Science in Physics, University of Copenhagen
Bachelor's thesis: "Microwave Spectroscopy of Quantum Dot Systems", Supervisor: Jens Paaske, Professor


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1.  Fermionic Quantum Simulation on Andreev Bound State Superlattices
Peter D. Johannsen, Constantin Schrade
; arXiv:2404.12430

Arrays of superconducting qubits and cavities offer a promising route for realizing highly controllable artificial materials. However, many analog simulations of superconducting circuit hardware have focused on bosonic systems. Fermionic simulations, on the other hand, have largely relied on digital approaches that require non-local qubit couplings, which could limit their scalability. Here, we propose and study an alternative approach for analog fermionic quantum simulation based on arrays of coherently coupled mesoscopic Josephson junctions. These Josephson junction arrays implement an effective superlattice of Andreev bound state "atoms" that can trap individual fermionic quasiparticles and, due to their wavefunction overlap, mediate quasiparticle hoppings. By developing a Wannier function approach, we show that these Andreev bound state arrays form an all-superconducting and circuit QED-compatible platform for emulating lattice models of fermionic quasiparticles that are phase- and gate-programmable. Interestingly, we also find that the junction lattices can undergo a topological transition and host fermionic boundary modes that can be probed by conductance measurements. We hope our results will inspire the realization of artificial and possibly topological materials on Andreev bound state quantum simulators.